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2024 Lesson Lift-off!

Writer's picture: Bill BrownBill Brown

Before break we talked about inertia - and how it takes a disproportionate amount of energy to get things moving from a stopped or resting position.

Think of all that rocket-fuel that has to be burned to get a shuttle off the ground! Once the shuttle is in orbit, they jettison those huge tanks, because they're empty!

Or maybe closer to home, think of how much energy it takes to push down the pedals of your bicycle when it's stopped. Once you're in motion, your bicycle is happy to stay in motion. Pedaling is comparatively easy while you're moving - but whew - when you've stopped, it's a LOT of work to get going again!

It’s much easier, and requires a lot less effort to keep something in motion that’s already in motion.

Over break, some of us were home with our pianos, some others were literally off the continent. Some of us had ample time to keep playing, others had our attention pulled this way and that, and hardly had a chance at all to sit down with our pianos at all.

Either way - let’s use this week before lessons resume to make sure we’re playing, and let's come back into lessons ready to move forward!

Happy 2024!

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